Thursday, October 9, 2008

May 2008 Writing for Mass Communication batch! Well Done!

Brian, Brian! A- is good! Your batch gave the best results so far. Your average was about the same as previous groups but only because most of you didn't do too well in Question 2. And, you are not entirely to be blamed for that because this was the first time I included filling in the blanks questions that tested for knowledge of mass communications jargon and you may not have been sufficiently prepared for what to expect despite me telling you all to learn off things by heart. You had to understand and know the terms precisely.

Yet, none of you failed. And, even better, the majority of you got into the B grade which says quite a bit about yourselves! Previously, the students were more or less equally distributed across the grades. But, this trimester, most of you got into the B-grade. That means you have proven to yourselves that you are capable of bettering yourselves! You all did very well! Congratulations!

Writing for Mass Communications is not an easy course. You need to understand content and have a good grasp of language in order to express yourselves. Yet, despite a difficult question in the exam, you maintained the course average!

If you want to know your true grades, just add about 5 - 10 marks to your final exam total and that will accurately reflect what all of you are capable of! All of you did very well. I am very proud of you! You have now set the bar and are a hard act to follow!

Don't worry too much about your grades. Remember this is only the foundation course where you learn to handle new things. If you can better your average in foundation, just think what you can achieve in your degree?! Be confident of what you are capable of and do better every next time!

You did well! Go, celebrate!


- _ - Brian - _ - BrotherBear - _ - BrotherHusky - _ - said...

foundation courses is the stepping stone to where ever we might go in the future...

If we screw it up then it'll be hard for us to catch up on our grades~~~~

Oh ya one more thing~~~

If u do teach mass comm again for the may intake fellas, plz dun use us as a target for them to beat....

According to my sources some of them r "Kiashu" till will go to any means to ensure that they are always No.1...(including hurting reputation of the ppl if they cannot achieve the target~~~)

Duno if accurate or not... but some of my May intake friends complained abt their classmates being over-stressed abt being better than Jan intake students....


Fishie said...

.... Kiasu fellas. Tell me again why I don't like them?

Haha, Miss! you haven't visit my blog... T.T...

- _ - Brian - _ - BrotherBear - _ - BrotherHusky - _ - said...
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MengLeong said...

Hello Miss Gertrude :D.

I was quite disappointed I only got B+, I thought I did better :\.

Anyway thank you Miss for all the guidance you've gave us! I really appreciate it very much. Hope to see you around!

Take care :).