Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Getting to Know my Readers

Hi, Mathew! Hmmmm..... You are not my mystery follower, are you? I like to know my readers. Then, I don't feel like I am writing to strangers! From your comment, I hope I am right in deducing that you are not a student. Right? That's nice to know. So, no, Mathew, I won't call you when I see a rat in my house next! Ha, Ha! The rats have been vanquished! No more rats in my house. I have got my home, my refuge, my sanctuary back!

I have a new post coming up soon -- about some forgotten details about a local history. You can view it after Friday! With pictures, too!


- _ - Brian - _ - BrotherBear - _ - BrotherHusky - _ - said...

i BARELY SCRAPED PASS in my exams...cgpa2.05...

been thinking too much lately~

thx for the compliment though~

i hope u come by my blog sometime~

I just updated one on puppies ^^v

KJSC said...

ms gertrude..check out my song in my blog...self composed..hehe