Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Yes, Kenny, the view from the UTAR Kampar campus cafeteria is great. I actually did see a crocodile snout (it looked like it from where I was seated!) glide through the water surface. I pointed it out to Nelson who happened to see me there. He said it was Zhen Hui! It seems that is Zhen Hui's pet name!

Yes, Kenny, it was nice bumping into you. Good to also know that you are looking well and have nicely settled into campus life. You did look like you were enjoying yourself. Glad to see that.

Don't worry about it, Brian. I will see you when I see you all.


Fishie said...

aw.. miss! I should have skip a few classes.. I really wanna talk to you! :(
will you be coming again??

oh and Zhen Hui got his pet name as a "crocodile" cause he wanted to rare a crocodile when he comes to Kampar.. But unfortunately that wasn't possible for him. HAHA!!

David said...

Hi Ms. Gertrude! It's me David, your former student in Foundation of PJ Campus. I saw you in the cafeteria, sipping the hot coffee alone. :)
By the way, not just the crocodile or monitor lizard whatever it is. Rarely, I saw freshwater otter (I presume) swimming along the lake while their squeaking sounds could be heard from a distance.