Thursday, September 25, 2008

Work It Out!

I understand what you are going through, Brian, but this is still something you need to sort out with Agnes privately. She may not want to be public about this and you need to be sensitive to her. And, thank God, you have friends to help out during this period.

Having said that, let me say this: Talk with her but be honest. Be honest first with yourself. If you can't be honest with yourself, you can't be honest with others. If you are honest, you will communicate it to her and she will know you are being honest.

Honesty gives the other person the choice whether to stay with the relationship or leave it. And that is being magnanimous -- you don't manipulate the relationship to your advantage. It gives the partner the option to decide to accept you where you are at or to leave because he/she can't accept where you or she/he is at.

Whatever, the outcome, you have to come to terms with it. It may not be what you expected but it will be easier to bear because both partners have been honest.

I hope both of you grow to be better people through this experience and that things work out well for each.

And, Brian, if you want her real bad you will find a way to reach her!


kimi fuan said...

Envy these youth! They have easy access to quality advice! Honestly, if you were doing the author of advice columns in magazines,etc.. the Editorial would probably have to give you more writing space...or you'd be famous! I mean, I wish your advice was around for me during my not-so-matured days, jumping in and out of relationships with men often too easily, only to find out I'm hurting myself in the end when you go about relationships without someone like Warrior Rose's advice to guide you! ;-)

- _ - Brian - _ - BrotherBear - _ - BrotherHusky - _ - said...

Haha~~ i do want to ralk to her abt it though...

Only problem is, she doesnt want to talk... I call her but she doesnt pick up...

Gv it a few more days n maybe everyone frm our sem will noe abt this~~~ News travels slower during the holidays~~~

I've been keeping busy to keep my mind off it though..Working as a garden / house designer for my family and relatives... Pays not bad, but long hours in da sun can kill~~~

Dead tired today(25th)... Spent 3hrs at a light shop, helping my mum decide on what light to use where n bargaining with the owner for a lower price...

By the way, how's the marking going? When can we know our marks? Really eager to see if I got an A for your subject~~~ hehehe ~~ XP

Fishie said...

Miss, all of the sudden your blog turned into a counselling board. Hehe.

T think Brian is strong. Cause some nasty things happened to him after he and Agnus. I mean, why just can't some people leave them alone?

I suddenly feel lucky that I'm single.

