Monday, December 28, 2009

Hello 2010! Please Be Different!

Usually when it is the end of the year, I am in high spirits, full of expectations for what the new year will bring. But this time around, I am pensive. Maybe, I am at a point where I no longer want some things in my life to be the way they have been. And, I am somewhat afraid that things are NOT going to be any different. That, I think, is one of the saddest things in life: when you can't -- for one reason or another -- change some circumstances that you would like changed.

I am at that point. Looking over at 2010 thinking that it would be no different from 2009. I wish I could herald in 2010 more optimistically and more cheerfully. But, I can't. Maybe, I don't have enough faith to believe for the change I want.

And, perhaps, 2010 is going to be a test of whether I find the faith to move mountains. Having articulated it, I guess, that is the solution to my current problem -- faith. If the issue is faith, there really is no point in me ruminating and going around in circles -- like the first generation of Jews who wandered about in the desert for 40 years during Moses' time before they crossed into the promised land because they did not have the faith to obey God. In actual fact, they could have crossed over in less than a week (according to some Bible commentaries)!

So, I think I am simply going to write out a prayer in this blog: Dear Lord, give me the faith to believe what I can't believe and may you bring it to pass from the beginning of 2010. I pray the same for those who feel the same way. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray.

If our Lord answers this prayer, you can be sure I will write about it!

For those of you who haven't the faintest idea what I am talking about, don't worry! Just look forward to 2010 and be resolved in your hearts that you are going to make things happen which you will be happy about!

Wishing you the best in 2010!


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Is me Esther ! here ! =D

Love your blog mrs.Gertrude. Is so inspiring for young adults =D ! Keep up ! We gonna miss your lecture =)

Pj utar student.