Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Spectre Over A. Kugan Rises Again

No one made any hooha about it but it is, indeed,odd that only one policeman -- and that an Indian -- is being charged for A. Kugan's death under police custody. It is common knowledge that when a suspect is taken under police custory, more than one policeman attend to him to "get" information. But in A. Kugan's case, only one policeman is being disciplined. Now, why is that?

It looks a bit fishy. Something is not right here. How many policemen were involved in the "handling" of A. Kugan? It might have been that only one man actuallly "handled" him but who gave the approval? And, did any of his superiors urge him to increase the severity of the "handling"? These are questions that need to be answered to show that more than one policeman must be held responsible for A. Kugan's death under custody.

But, why is such information not forthcoming? Without these answers, it would appear that the sole Indian policeman has been set up to take the fall for his colleagues and superiors who do not have his courage.

The public has the right to know the true circumstances that lead to A. Kugan's death and the policemen who actually "handled" him and the policemen who approved the "handling" and who may have approved the increase of the severity of the "handling" must all be held responsible and charged.

If they are not, questions will always remain in the public's mind as to the sincerity and willingness of the authorities to ensure justice for the oppressed. As long as such questions remain unanswered, unstinting support for the BN government will remain questionable.

From the way the BN has been handling Indian issues, my prediction is that the BN government will never ever get the block Indian vote -- not until it is seen as ensuring justice to the oppressed, Indians included.

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