Monday, March 2, 2009

Softening Up!

O, Sam, thanks again for the compliments! But the truth is that my students have seen the dark side of me! But that has not deterred some of them from being open to me. And, we end up being friends. I must compliment them for their confidence and openness! They may not have realised it but because they are that way, I have softened up! I learn somethings from them, too, you know!

For the next couple of days, I won't be updating my blog because I will be busy watching movies. Most of the Oscar-nominated movies are playing in town, so, I am going to watch them all! I have already watched Slumdog Millionaire from the A row (the first fow from the screen!) -- they were the only seats available on the night we went to watch it! So, I got a down-upward view of Slumdog Millionaire. It was slightly disorientating and we were 10 minutes late, but I still caught the essence of the movie. I think I am going to see it again from one of those higher seats to get a full and complete perspective.

Read the movie reviews in my next blog!

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